Saturday, May 20, 2006


I don't think that the dining experience, of eating a thick, juicy, char-broiled, steak, in a fine restaurant will ever be the same again!

This is almost too bizarre to be true:
The FDA can't decide whether to ban the practice of allowing chicken fecal matter to be fed to cattle because, the FDA says, what else are they supposed to do with all that chicken litter?
In other words, cows are living waste disposal machines who eat -- get this -- chicken shit by the ton. And then you eat the cows (if you're a red meat eater, that is). It's sort of like eating second-hand chicken shit, only riskier because now you also have the risk of mad cow disease, too.
Here's an actual quote from the director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine: "...adding chicken litter to cattle feed is one of the primary methods of waste disposal for the chicken growers..."
That the FDA can say, with a straight face, that the only way to get rid of chicken litter is to feed it to cows is, well, bordering on insane.
The FDA is also reluctant to ban the practice of feeding cattle blood to cows. "What are we going to do with all this blood?" seems to be the cry from the FDA. The answer?
Well, feed it to the cattle, of course!
The new slogan for the beef industry should be, "Beef. It's FDA-approved second-hand chicken shit."

When I think of all the steaks, I have eaten in my life, FUCK! I am pissed off!!!

Any beef producer, who participates in this practice, should be castrated!

I think I will go back to eating squirrels!


morbid misanthrope said...

Honestly, I don't give a shit. If I don't get sick, it doesn't bother me. I mean, how much shit does our government feed us? If all I'm eating is meat that was built with shit, I'm damn lucky. Hell, they fertilize plants with cow shit, right?

badgerbob said...

Hey, one man's shit is another man's dinner.
Not my motto, but some swear by it.

NewYorkMoments said...

Can I perform the castrations?

You've got to strictly eat Kobe beef...

Anonymous said...

Do you think the mad cows became "mad" when they became chicken shit intolerant? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Ah...Kobe beef. Massage the cows. Let them listen to music. Feed them with wine... I like this Japanese shit any time.

badgerbob said...

Willow ,I guess that's why, when you look in the mirror, you have a shit-eating grin on your face.

Nym, I would be most happy to hand you a dull rusty knife for your castrations.

Bayi, to hell with the cows!
I could use some of that treatment for myself.

Anonymous said...


You can't have that special treatment meant for Kobe cows unless you are prepared to end up as steak on someone's table! LOL.

morbid misanthrope said...

What a lively discussion.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »