Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Disgruntled Muslim Sympathizer

This guy (LOS)decided to leave a comment pertaining to the Muslim article posted a couple of days ago. Because I had already moved on, he didn't get to spew his bullshit for everyone else to read. So I thought I would give him his forum.
Feel free to add your comments.

As for you "LOS", I don't drink coffee. As for calling the rest of us who live in this country, "stupid assholes" , you are a fucking hypocrite, who is enjoying a life of freedom in Colorado, provided by the very people you seem to loathe. The rest of the world sure doesn't call us assholes, when they have a natural or man-made disaster, and are looking to us for money, medical supplies, and food. And as usual, we rise to the occasion.
Why don't YOU get off of your ass, find some more terrorist sympathizers, who feel as you do, buy some airtime on radio and TV, and speak out against the atrocities committed by your fellow Americans. As far as I am concerned, Weasilkiller's article summed things up , very nicely. As for pollution, I will assume that you either ride a bike, or walk everywhere you go, and don't heat your house, using either fossil fuels or wood. Also, I would be willing to bet, that you didn't walk to the library, or internet cafe, to type your comment. Interestingly enough, you sound just like one of those "higher than thou" people you wrote about.

Los said...
There are a lot of moderate Muslims and ordinary people Muslims that don't agree with what the extremist's that use the name "Muslim" to carry out their horrible acts. But the mainstream news doesn't listen to them any more than they listen to the average everyday chistian. People aren't terrorists simply because they are muslim, or arab, or from Sri Lanka, they are generally terorists because they are evil people. There are plenty of terrorist acts here in the US that happen every day. Most are carried out by the large corporations, polluting the air, using up our natural resources and charging us for it and making record profits off of the common person. Think about how we live and how the rest of the world lives and our higher than thou attitudes and our do as I say, not as I do mentality and you really won't wonder to much why the rest of the world thinks we are a land of stupid assholes. It's why they hate us. We have maintained a war of terror on the rest of the world for over 50 years in the name or protecting our way of life and consumption, they are finally starting to fight back with the only means they have... car bombs, ak-47's and bombs strapped to their bodies. Think about that while you sit in your warm house in front of your new Dell computer and drink your fresh cup of coffee.
9:45 AM, February 11, 2006


NewYorkMoments said...

Holy shit...I could totally go off, but I won't...

But I WILL mention the fucking Muslim immigrant mutherfucking bastards who we allowed to move to the USA & to bring all of their family friends & fellow fucking sandvillagers to make a better life for themselves here because their native land is a fucking hellhole of fucking sand & inbred mutherfuckers...& they set up an ice cream shop in Brooklyn. And all of the families in Brooklyn used to go there to buy ice cream for their children, ...AND THE FUCKING BASTARDS WERE FUNDING FUCKING AL QUEDA.

Fuckers. I hope they continue to fuck their their sisters and first cousins so that they become so fucking inbred that they end up being only quivering, gelatinous balls of flesh.

badgerbob said...

Don't mince words.Tell us how you really feel.

NewYorkMoments said...

I'm afraid I only have more of the same on this subject...

morbid misanthrope said...

As usual, badgerbob, you have done a fine job dissecting and refuting some moron's pathetic attempt at argument. I agree with newyorkmoments: I could go off on this subject, but I won't. Keep up the great work. Oh, and try not to get beheaded by followers of the religion of peace.

drunkbh said...

It seems like this numbnuts is an enviromental activist. He's actually trying to justify bombing and killing innocents by saying that we are terrorizing others with our over-consumption. I assume that he's forgetting the fact that most terrorist acts are committed on innocent civilians. Maybe he should go live in the middle-east where this kind of attitude against one's country will get you beheaded.

badgerbob said...

Thanks for your comments. Morb, are you trying to butter up nym? I wonder if she even likes butter?

Bh, excellent idea!

morbid misanthrope said...

I never butter anyone up. It just makes baking them more trouble than it's worth. I just happen to agree with newyorkmoments... good lord, I think I'm losing my misanthropic edge.

NewYorkMoments said...

Au contraire, "morb." Agreeing with me only confirms that you're a misanthrope.

NewYorkMoments said...

Oh, and I love butter, Badgerbob...I'd love to rub it all over your furry behind.

justacoolcat said...

Buttered Badger is known to cause serious lacerations of the extemeties.

As for the Muslim post, interesting that when the Muslim fanatics decide to protest they gather by the thousands in large bombable groups.

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