Friday, August 12, 2005

The Turtles

Three turtles, decided to go on a picnic. The first turtle, named Fred, packed a picnic basket with cookies, bottled sodas, and sandwiches. The picnic site was 10 miles away, so the turtles took 10 whole days to get there. By the time they arrived, all three were exhausted. The second turtle, whose name was Ernie, began to unload the picnic basket. He took out the sodas and said to the third turtle, "Alright, Steve, gimme the bottle opener." ''I didn't bring the bottle opener", Steve said. "I thought you packed it." Naturally, Fred didn't have it, so the turtles were stuck ten miles away from home, without any way to open their sodas. Fred and Steve begged Ernie to go back home and retrieve the opener. Ernie, knowing that the other two would eat everything, by the time he got back, flatly refused.. After about two hours, the turtles manage to convince Ernie to go. They swore on their great-grand turtles' graves that they wouldn't touch the food. So, Ernie set off down the road, slow and steady.
Twenty days passed, but no Ernie. Fred and Steve were hungry and puzzled, but a promise was a promise. Another day passed, and still no Ernie. After three more days passed without any sign , Steve started getting restless. "I NEED FOOD!" he said, with a hint of dementia in his voice. 'NO!' Fred retorted. "We promised." Five more days passed. Fred realizing that Ernie had probably skipped out, finally gave in. The two turtles weakly lifted the lid, got a sandwich, and opened their mouths to eat. At that instant, Ernie popped out from behind a rock, and said,"I knew I couldn't trust you guys. Just for that, I'm not f*cking going."


Anonymous said...

What kind of a crappy blog is this?????? Recycled jokes....a no-brainer for people short on neurons I guess

badgerbob said...

Finally. A negative comment.My first one.Welcome. Now that you are here,why is it that people like you,who post anonymously, are always assholes? Why don't you use some of those neurons,you brag about, and create a personality for yourself. Maybe I can help you.
You will be known as Mr.stupid. You are probably 30-40yrs old and live in your mom's basement. You probably dress in her clothes , while she is at work,holding down two jobs to support you. The neighbors think you are strange, and you have no friends.
I will stop now and continue on your next visit. I would hate for you to take out your barely suppressed rage on some small animal.


Hey stupid! Is there more than one kind of crappy blog???? Duh! Nothing like stating the obvious. Thank god for so called smart people like you. Please come again soon.

LisaBinDaCity said...

I dated a guy like Ernie!

Anonymous said...

So Badger isn't everyone anonymous in computerland,whatever whitty name I give it is all make believe anyway. People can't be too choosy if you have only received one negative comment cause your jokes are stolen man.They suck!

Anonymous said...

Hi ya sneaky badger. You are quite the jokester.Can't stop laughing.

badgerbob said...

Thanks detty. Hi lisab.
Hey Mr stupid. Thanks for coming back. I see you are working on that personality. "Whats in a name" is a pretty good start. Except "whats" is normally spelled "what's", and "whitty" is usually spelled "witty".
Must be all those extra neurons you have. Now we can work on your personality, and your spelling. This site could work wonders for you. Please come again.