Friday, March 30, 2007

The Meaning Of Easter

One Easter morning, a Sunday School teacher asked her class if they knew the origins of this, special day. One young man responded immediately, "It's opening day for the Yankees and Giants."
Not wishing to stifle creative thinking, the teacher responded, "What a wonderful answer! But I had something else in mind."
A young girl then stood and remarked, "That's the day we get nice new clothes and go find the eggs from the Easter Bunny.
"That's right," said the teacher. "But there's something else just a little more important.
A young man then jumped up and yelled, "I know, I know!! After Jesus died on the cross, some of his friends buried him in a tomb they called a sepulcher."
The teacher thought, "I don't believe it, someone actually knows."
The little boy continued, "And three days later Jesus arose and opened the door of the tomb and stepped out."
"Yes, yes!" said the teacher. "Go on, go on!"
And the youngster said, "And if he sees his shadow, we have six more weeks of bad weather


morbid misanthrope said...

I thought it was seven weeks. Jesus isn't a fan of things coming in sixes.

badgerbob said...

No that would be his arch-enemy, the Federal Gov't. Out of the schools, out of the pledge of allegiance, and now, out of the money printing system. But apparently it is ok for Mexicans to fly the flag upside down, beneath their own, while they protest against us. Oh! Did I mention that this is happening on US soil.

BD said...

The flag again?!

badgerbob said...

bd, I would wave my undershorts, but I don't own any clean ones, and rarely wear them when I do.

Anonymous said...

so we go from defaming Jesus to complaining about abuse of the flag...?