Monday, July 03, 2006


A young sailor met an old pirate in a bar, and talk turned to their adventures at sea. The young sailor saw that the pirate had a peg-leg, a hook, and an eye patch,
and couldn't resist asking, "What appened to your leg?"
The pirate replied, "Well lad, we were caught in a fierce storm , and I was swept overboard by a huge wave. Just as my men were hoisting me out, a great white shark up and tore my leg off."
"Wow!" said the sailor. "What happened to your hand "?
"Well", replied the pirate, "We were boarding another pirate ship, and I was in an incredible sword fight. It was five against one, and I was chopping them down, until I slipped on a patch of blood, and one of them cut my hand off."
"Incredible!" remarked the sailor. "Is that also where you got the eye patch"?
"No lad. That was from a skirmish with a seagull," replied the pirate.
"You lost your eye to a seagull ?"
"Well," said the pirate, "As I looked up, he decided to crap, and it was my first day, with my hook"


NewYorkMoments said...

I wonder what happened the first time he tried to jerk off with the hook...

badgerbob said...

Nym, such naughty thoughts!

morbid misanthrope said...

Leave it to life to shit on you and poke your eye out when it's already dismembered you.

morbid misanthrope said...

Leave it to life to shit on you and poke your eye out when it's already dismembered you.

morbid misanthrope said...

Leave it to life to shit on you and poke your eye out when it's already dismembered you.

badgerbob said...

Morb, could you repeat that. please?

morbid misanthrope said...

Life's a bitch, homey.

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