Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas From A Woman's Perspective

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the kitchen;
I was cooking and baking and moanin and bitchin.
I've been here for hours; I can't stop to rest.
This room's a disaster, just look at this mess!

Tomorrow I've got thirty people to feed.
They expect all the trimmings. Who cares what I need!
My feet are both blistered; I've got cramps in my legs.
The cat just knocked over a bowl full of eggs.

There's a knock at the door and the telephones ringing
Frosting drips on the counter as the microwaves dinging.
Two pies in the oven, desserts almost done;
My cookbook is soiled with butter and crumbs.

I've had alI I can stand, I cant take anymore;
Then in walks my husband, spilling rum on the floor.
He weaves and he wobbles, his balance unsteady;
Then grins as he chuckles "The eggnog is ready!"

He looks all around and with total regret,
Says "What's taking so long, aren't you through in here yet??"
As quick as a flash I reach for a knife;
He loses an earlobe, I wanted his life!
He flees from the room in terror and pain

Now what was I doing, and what is that smell?
Oh damn, it's the pies!! They're burned all to hell!
I hate to admit when I make a mistake,
But I put them on BROIL instead of on BAKE.

What else can go wrong? Is there still more ahead??
If this is good living, I'd rather be dead.
Lord, don't get me wrong; I love holidays;
It just leaves me exhausted, all shaky and dazed.

But I promise you one thing, if I live till next year,
You wont find me pulling my hair out in here.
I'll hire a maid, a cook, and a waiter;
And if that doesn't work, I'LL HAVE IT ALL CATERED!!!


Blueprincesa said...

Well done, Badger. You're an excellent poet.

badgerbob said...

Thanks, blue.

NewYorkMoments said...

Good thing he was wearing pants or it might not have been his ear that he lost.

morbid misanthrope said...

You know, women probably wouldn't get punched so much if they didn't bitch as often. I'm just sayin'.

Anna said...

I lost ya when my hard drive died. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Jillian said...


Merry Christmas Badger Bob!

NewYorkMoments said...

Life is meaningless without you, Badgerbob.

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