Friday, December 02, 2005

Air Travel

One day a business man was taking his seat on his company's corporate jet, when he suddenly noticed that there was a parrot strapped in next to him. He was shocked at the site, but shrugged it off. As the plane reached it's cruising altitude, he summoned the flight attendant and asked for a coffee.
As he finished his request, the parrot squawked, “And get me a whisky, you cow!”
The stewardess, was so flustered, that she brought back a whisky for the parrot and forgot the man's coffee. He summoned her again to take his order, and suddenly
the parrot drained its glass and cried “And get me another whisky you bitch!”
Visibly upset, the girl returned, with another whisky but still no coffee.
Unaccustomed to such poor service, the man decided to try the parrot’s approach. “I’ve asked you twice for a coffee! Get it now, you stupid bitch!”
Suddenly, both he and the parrot were grabbed, dragged to the emergency exit, and thrown from the plane by two burly stewards.
Plunging downwards the parrot turned to the businessman and said…“For someone who can’t fly, you sure are a mouthy bastard


NewYorkMoments said...

I hope he held onto the parrot and landed on top of it.

badgerbob said...

I thouht you were an aninal lover?

badgerbob said...

I thought I could spell.

NewYorkMoments said...

I don't like smartass birds.

Jillian said...


drunkbh said...

Lesson to all men: If you haven't got the correct equipment to handle the situation, keep your mouth shut.

morbid misanthrope said...

There's no such thing as a burly steward on an airplane.

badgerbob said...

nym,how do you tell if a bird has a smart ass, and are they any different than dumbass ones.

jill, always happy to make someone laugh.

bh, sounds like a short peckered fellow has done you a dis-satisfaction in the past.

Morb, you are absolutely right in calling me on that. They were actually burly stewardesses, who looked like men.

morbid misanthrope said...

That makes a lot more sense. Last time I flew, I drank a bit much and tried to do a backflip in the isle. When I fell, I got into an argument with my seat and was then put in a headlock by a burly stewardess who then locked me in the lavatory. She was pretty tough for a woman no taller than four feet.

Anonymous said...


NewYorkMoments said...

Badgerbob, marry me.

badgerbob said...

Morb, did the burly stewardess offer to join you in the lavatory, and attempt to enroll you in the mile high club?

Jt, I agree. morbid is a pretty funny fellow.

Nym, where do you propose we spend our honeymoon?

morbid misanthrope said...

No, but she threatened to tear my spleen out through my nose if I called her an oompaloompa one more time.

NewYorkMoments said...

In your badgerhole.

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