Sunday, April 16, 2006

Criminal Minds

There were three convicts, a Polak, an Indian and a Newfie, who were all scheduled to be executed. The executioner said that since all three were to be executed that night, that they could each choose the method by which they would die.
Their choices were: lethal injection, electric chair or death by hanging.
The Indian was afraid of needles and didn't want to be hanged , so he chose the electric chair. He sat in the chair and when they pulled the switch, nothing happened. The executioner said that if this happened a second time that he could go free. They tried a second time and again nothing happened so they set him free.
The Polak was also afraid of needles and didn't want to be hanged, and after seeing what happened with the Indian, he thought that he would try his luck with the electric chair. Once again, the chair didn't work and he was free.
Then it was the Newfie's turn to pick how he was to be executed. He said "Well bye's, I'm deathly afraid of needles too, and your fucking electric chair ain't working, so I guess you'll have to hang me".


Blueprincesa said...

I've gotta say, I do like Newfie jokes, but you know, nobody tells a better Newfie joke than a newfie. Those people are the kindest, funniest people in the entire world.

NewYorkMoments said...

There once was a badger named Bob
Who had a very very large knob
He rubbed it all day
But when NYM came to play
He said "How about finishing the job?"

badgerbob said...

willow, I would hope that you are referring to the joke, and not the author.

Blue, gotta love the newfies.

Nym, you New Yorkers are such perverts.
That may be some of your finest work.