Sunday, May 20, 2007

Blonde? Or Hillbilly?

Artery -- Study of paintings
Bacteria -- Back door of cafeteria
Barium -- What doctors do when treatment fails
Bowel -- Letter like A.E.I.O.U
Cat scan -- Searching for kitty
Cauterize -- Made eye contact with her
Coma -- A punctuation mark
Congenital -- Friendly
Diarrhea -- Journal of daily events
Dilate -- To live long
Enema -- Not a friend
Fester -- Quicker
Fibula -- A small lie
Impotent -- Distinguished
Morbid -- Higher offer
Nitrate -- Cheaper than day rate
Node -- Was aware of
Outpatient -- Person who had fainted
Pelvis -- Cousin of Elvis
Post operative -- Letter carrier
Protein -- Favoring young people
Rectum -- It almost killed him
Seizure -- Roman emperor
Terminal illness -- Sickness at airport
Tibia -- Country in North Africa
Tumor -- An extra pair
Urine -- Opposite of you're out
Varicose -- Located nearby
Vein -- Conceited


morbid misanthrope said...

If only I would have had this handy list of definitions before I took the SATs.

NewYorkMoments said...

You've been speaking to my coworkers again.

badgerbob said...

Morb, why did you take a satellite installer test, and why a second time? Did you flunk the first time?

Nym,your co-workers refused to say anything bad about you. I think out of fear of swift and brutal retaliation. Except for that one guy, who like to go to the toilet, and then after skipping the hand washing part,handles all the donuts in the coffee room.

badgerbob said...
