Monday, January 22, 2007


A guy on safari is hacking his way through the jungle when he comes across a clearing and sees a dead elephant and a 3ft 6 inch pygmy standing next, to it looking really pleased with himself. The guy asks him if he has killed the elephant to which the pygmy replies 'yes',

the guy then asks him how he killed it to which the pygmy replies 'with my club'.

The guy then asks him how big his club is to which the pygmy replies

'well there are 120 of us in it'.


NewYorkMoments said...

Holy shit, Badgerbob. This is the first time you've ever posted a groaner.

badgerbob said...

Nah! I've done that before. If it makes me chuckle, I post it.

badgerbob said...

BTW, have you given up on posting on your blog??? Blogger burnout???

morbid misanthrope said...

I'm just surprised the pygmy spoke English.

AristoNeeks said...

i suppose they smothered the poor elephant?